Lisa G. Driscoll

Lisa G. Driscoll
Adjunct Associate Professor
Lisa G. Driscoll is an Adjunct Associate Professor in the Educational Leadership and Policy Studies Department at the University of Tennessee. Her professional career spans over three decades. She has held positions as a PreK-12 STEM education teacher and science curriculum specialist in the public schools of Virginia. Prior to joining the faculty at the University of Tennessee, she held university faculty positions in Virginia, Tennessee, and North Carolina. She also served in an administrative capacity at Virginia Tech as a financial planning manager. Driscoll teaches graduate courses in educational law, finance and budgeting, policy analysis, ethics, and the history of education. Indicative of her strong commitment to students she has directed multiple doctoral and masters’ committees and independent study projects.
In her spare time she manages (with her husband) an Angus beef cattle farm and enjoys photographing nature.
PhD, Educational Administration, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech)
MSEd, Vocational and Technical Education from the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech)
BS, Animal Science and Chemistry, Berry College
Dr. Driscoll possesses an established research agenda in the field of education law, finance and policy that includes book chapters, peer-reviewed articles, policy briefs, technical reports, and other scholarly products. Her research focuses on the changes over time of the legal, financial and policy implications in providing equitable and adequate, free universal systems of public education in the fifty states and internationally. Dr. Driscoll utilizes bibliometric methods, network analysis and visualizations to quantify and elucidate changes over time in the education finance, law, and policy disciplines.
Her research concerning educational finance, law and policy has been published in many journals, including the Journal of Education Finance. She has presented research at the Education Law Association, the National Education Finance Conference, and the British Educational Leadership and Educational Research Society. In 2011, she was named a Distinguished Research and Practice Fellow in Education Finance by the National Education Finance Academy.
Extracurricular Activities
Dr. Driscoll currently serves as a Senator in the UTK Faculty Senate, a member of the CEHHS Assessment Committee, and as an Affiliate Faculty with the UTK Post-secondary Education Research Center. She has previously served as President of the National Education Finance Academy from 2018 through 2019.