Jennifer Ann Morrow

Jennifer Ann Morrow, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Program Coordinator
Hi everyone! My name is Jennifer Ann Morrow and I’m currently the program coordinator for the Evaluation Methodology MS Program, I’m a tenured associate professor affiliated with the Evaluation Statistics and Methodology PhD program, and I’m the CEHHS faculty representative for the IGSDSP interdisciplinary program. I earned my PhD in Experimental Psychology with a concentration in Research Methodology from the University of Rhode Island. Prior to coming to UTK in 2007 I was an Assistant Professor (tenured and promoted to Associate Professor in 2007) at Old Dominion University in the Psychology Department. I typically teach graduate-level courses in survey research, educational research, statistics, and program evaluation.
I focus my research on three main strands: higher education program evaluation and assessment, training emerging evaluation and assessment professionals, and college student development. In the past twenty-two years I have been awarded over $900,000 in external funding from a variety of local and federal agencies, including the National Science Foundation, the Department of Education, and the Spencer Foundation. I have published 38 articles in peer reviewed journals, three book chapters, and have written over 120 grant and evaluation reports.
2020: Awarded the University of Tennessee Graduate School Graduate Research Mentor of the Year Award (nominated by current students)
2019: Awarded the Gary L. and Rebecca S. Blauser Endowed Faculty Support Award (nominated by colleagues)
2019: Awarded the Chancellor’s Excellence in Advising/Mentoring Award (nominated by current and former students)
2018: Awarded Top Paper Award at the 68th Annual International Communication Association Conference (The Instructional & Developmental Division)
1. Morrow, J.A. (2023). Using ChatGPT to develop survey questions: A survey researcher’s experience using artificial intelligence (AI) for item development. Emerging Dialogues. Retrieved from:—using-chatgpt-to-develop-survey-questions–a-survey-researcher-s-experience-using-artificial-intelligence–ai–for-item-development
2. *Christen, R.C., Morrow, J.A., Polychronopolous, G., & Clucas Leaderman, E. (2023). What do we want in our toolkit? Higher education assessment professionals’ needs for additional training. Intersection: A Journal at the Intersection of Assessment and Learning, 4(1).
3. Boyd, A., Morrow, J.A., & Rocconi, L. (2022). Development and validation of the Parasocial Relationships in Social Media Survey. The Journal of Social Media in Society, 11(2), 192-208.
4. Christen, S., Violanti, M., & Morrow, J.A. (2022). Creating the Projecting a Social Presence Measure: Self rated behaviors that indicate mediated presence. Online Learning: The Official Journal of OLC, 26(3), doi:
5. *Jones, S.N., & Morrow, J.A. (2022). The impact of first-generation status, living in an LLC, and campus club involvement on sense of belonging in the first semester. The Journal of Campus Activities Practice and Scholarship, 4(2), 14-22.
6. Gibson, T.O., Morrow, J.A., & Rocconi, L. (2022). Development and validation of the Emporium Model Motivation Scale (EMMS). Future Review, 5(1),
7. *Pacheco Diaz, N., Walker, J., Rocconi, L., Morrow, J.A., Skolits, G., Osborne, J., & Parlier, T.R. (2022). Faculty use of end of course evaluations. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 33(3).
8. Morrow, J.A., Polychronopolous, G., Clucas Leaderman, E., & Christen, R.N. (2022). A snapshot of needed skills and dispositions through the lens of assessment professionals in higher education: Findings from a national survey. Journal of Research & Practice in Assessment, 17(2), 19-39.